Tau Stealth Battlesuit

Tau Stealth Battlesuit

May 30, 2017 Off By Nat Gudgeon

This is the Tau Stealth Battlesuit miniature I created for the 2017 Chillcon Painting Completion.

I set out with the idea of creating a small single figure diorama, using a Tau Stealth Battlesuit. My idea was for the battlesuit be shot in the chest by a sniper while moving through the remains of a bombed out desert city.

Builing a Warzone for the Tau Stealth Batllesuit

I started with the arch, as I wanted the feeling of destroyed buildings. The wall and arch needed to be large enough to obstruct the view of the model from a certain angle. This would enable you to see the Battlesuit come into view as you look around the model. Just like it came into view for the sniper as it walked to the arch.

I started by creating the L shaped wall and arch section. I used some cheap knock of lego (that my children had collected over the years). Finally happy with the shape of the wall I used glue to hold the block together. After that I sanded the suface with some fine grit sandpaper and filled in any gaps with milliput. I then used a craft knife to add battle damage to the wall.

Now that I had the wall and arch I started on the floor. I used good old cork tiles broken up and laid atop of each other to make the floor. I then used Milliput to hid the joins between the pieces of cork. Next I added some plasticard tiles to floor surface. Once I was happy with the floor surface, I made piles of rubble using Milliput, miniature bricks, small bits of cord and Vallejo Plastic Putty. Finally I used the same bits of cork, bricks and Vallejo Plastic putty to add the broken jagged edges to the wall and arch.