NMM Gold and Marble Effect Floor Stormcast

NMM Gold and Marble Effect Floor Stormcast

February 5, 2017 Off By Nat Gudgeon

Here is my first Stormcast mini. It’s a nice miniature to paint and good chance to practice NMM Gold.

NMM Gold I paint list:

  • Vallejo Model Colour German Cam Orange
  • Vallejo Model Air Tank Brown
  • Vallejo Model Colour Ice Yellow
  • Vallejo Model Color White

I started NMM with a German Cam Orange basecoat. Then I added the highligts using layers of German Cam Orange and Ice Yellow mix. Next I used glaze mixes of the Germand Cam Orange and the Ice Yellow to blend the transitions of the hightlights. Once I was happy with the hightlights I glazed in shadow layers of Vallejo Tank Brown. I used glazes of the German Cam Orange to smooth out the blending. Finally the edges and centre points of highlights had pure white point reflections added.

The Blue paint list:

  • Citadel Kantor Blue
  • Citadel Hoeth Blue
  • Citadel Ulthuan Grey

Marble Effect Floor

For the blue marble effect floor I used Pebeo Fantasy Prisme paint because they produce a random cell effect and have a pearlescent high gloss finish. Prisme paints are oil based and designed to be poured as a result a lot is needed to get the effect. Therefore I applied it to the floor of the base as a seperate part and glued it on once it had fully dried. I did this because you apply the Prisme paint very thick so It can run off the edges of the base if not careful. I found the best way to use it was to apply it to a larger than needed piece of cork. I then just broke off a peice the size I needed for the base and trimmed with a craft knife to fit the base.

The rest of the base was standard pvc, sand mix. Which I built and painted first. I glued the floor in and then add a little extra paint to the cork to tie it in with the rest of the base.

In future for a large flat area like with it would probably be easier to add the painted floor during construction. Then mask it off while painting the base.