CWG No Primer Painting Challenge

CWG No Primer Painting Challenge

October 11, 2016 Off By Nat Gudgeon

I was on the Chilling War Gamers (CWG) show the other week ( and we discussed many things including primers. We decided to have a No Primer Painting Challenge.

We decided to do this after discussing how David Sopper apprently paint without priming. If that’s how he paint then maybe we’ve been doing it wrong all this time.

How I tackled the painting challenge

Well I took on the challenge and came up with this miniature. I went to the effort of giving it a display base as I felt it was going to take me a longtime to paint to I wanted it to look as good as it could. Plus I love basing.

The base was made from knock off lego, cork and plasticard. Very similar construction to the Tau Stealth Battlesuit I did. As I was building the base I realised I would have a lot of dead space below the Ork. Looking through by boxes of bits to see what I could add to spice it up, I found some Grots. When I saw them the idea of a checky little grot peering round the corner and outside the base just made me smile and I had to put him in.

As for painting, it slow going to start with. As the paint would bead up on the plastic surface of the miniature. I experimented with paint thickness for a bit but in the end stuck with my usual 1:1 paint and water for base coating (This can vary depending on paint). I found that if I stuck with it and just kept on adding layers it would take eventually. Once the base coats where down I just carried on glazing in the rest of the highlights and shadows.

I was very happy with the results. But I don’t think the quality of the result was a direct result of the lack of primer I think it was the competitive element of a painting challenge that made me take my time and go the extra mile. So I think I will stick to using primer in the future.