Beermaster Dwarf – Atlantis Miniatures

Beermaster Dwarf – Atlantis Miniatures

January 12, 2021 Off By admin

I love these dwarves from Atlantis Miniatures. They have so much detail and character . This is the Beermaster dwarf which I got while at Chillcon. If you want to pick one up then you can find him on the Atlantis Miniatures site.

Painting the Beermaster Dwarf

I started with a GW Black rattle can primer with a zenithal highlight of GW White primer.

The first stage of this paint job was the skin. I started with a base coat of Vallejo Fantasy Pro Forest Skin. Next were a couple of layers using mixes of the base coat and Vallejo Fantasy Pro Pale Flesh.

For the next stage I painted the beard and hair. This was layered up using a base coat of Vallejo Flesh Shadows. Then Vallejo Light Rust, GW Fire Dragon Bright, Vallejo Golden Yellow and Vallejo Ice Yellow.

Once the hair was complete this skin was a little too green and flat. So I added a couple of thin glazes of Army Painter Red Tone. I also applied more glazes of the red tone to the cheeks to add a little life to the face.

The shirt and the ties on the beard plattes where done with Vallejo Blue Green and highlited by mixing in a little Vallejo Off White.

The wood barrels and tankard where painted with a base coat of Vallejo Fantasy Pro Forest Skin. Then washed with GW Agrax Earthshade. Then I highlighted the wood with a mix of the base coat and Vallejo Ice Yellow. Because of the Agrax Earthshade wash the metal hoops around the barrels picked up a little warmth. Adding highlights of a neutral grey to the hoops helped to bring out the warmth and make the metal feel old and used. I used stippling to apply the highlights to the metal hoops. This helped to make the metal feel beaten.

I used Vallejo German Cam Orange o base boat the pants. Then using Lahmian Medium I thinned down Agrax Earthshade and applied it to pick out the details. Vallejo Ice yellow was used to lighten the German Cam Orange for the highlights.

The boots, bracers and leather armour where base coated with Vallejo Dark Sea Blue. Next I added highlights using a little of the Vallejo Blue Green’s highlight. Stippling Vallejo German Cam Orange along the edges and creases helps to create the feeling of worn and weathered leather.

A glaze of yellow ink was added to the foam being spilt from the tankard and Vallejo Off White was used to highlight the foam.

Making a simple base

I created a simple base using the provided 30mm base. I cut a small semi circle of plasticard and glued it to the edge of the base. Then I used a toothpick to spread Vallejo plastic puttyover the rest of the base. Plastic putty is great for creating a wet mud effect.

I base coated the plasticard with Vallejo Armour Brown and highlighted up with successive random lines of lighter and lighter mixes of the Armour Brown. I used a wash of GW Agrax Earthshade and added more highlights. This created a wood grain effect on the plasticard.