About JudgeGudge – More than just painting

Ok first things first my real name is not JudgeGudge as I’m sure a you have worked out. It is in fact Nathanael Gudgeon. 

I am very much a painter and not a wargamer. Over the years I have bought many table top wargame box sets. However I’ve never actually got round to building and army or even playing a game. though this year I have actually had a go at playing D&D with the kids.

When I started out in this hobby I wanted to paint and some day play but my priority was always the painting. I wanted to paint to the best of my ability. I would paint a figure, try to find out where I could improve and start on a new one often using a new paint or technique. This meant that I never got into painting squads and never had a suitably uniform force to use as an army.

I have spent many years painting on my own never really talking with other people in the hobby. Occasionally I would venture into forums but I never seemed to stay long. It wasn’t until I decided to look on YouTube to see if there where any video tutorial for miniature painting. That I found place to chat and connect with other painters. YouTube has a whole community of painters, gamers and hobbyists that produce a wonderfully wide range of videos. These have inspired me and helped me improve as a painter. I started my own YouTube channel called JudgeGudge producing videos showing what I was working on. Then I started to create videos showing how I paint miniature.

In 2012 I attended my first Games Day and enter my first Golden Demon. What an experience I had, I got to meet up with a lot of the painters I was watching on YouTube. The day was made even better with by my Golden Demon Entries.I got a finalist pin in the Warhammer Single category (with my empire duelist) and winning a Bronze Demon in the Warhammer 40k Large Model / Monster category (with my Ork Killa Kan).

JudgeGudge @ GamesDay 2012
Ork Killa Kan - Golden Demon 2012

The last couple of year I’ve had the great pleasure of attending Chillcon and being a member of the Hobby Painting Clinic there. It’s a great day where I get to paint along side Elstonation and Moggys Miniatures. We get to paint all day and chat Chillcon visitors and hopefully help them with there painting.

JudgeGudge: Other Interests

I’m also into PC Gaming and I am a member of the Elite Dangerous Squadron A.E.S.A. So if I’m not painting then I usually have my hands on my HOTAS.

I also enjoy portraiture and like to draw. I dabble in pencil, water colour pencil and pastel.