Speed Painting 2 Hour Goblin Miniature
December 1, 2016To help me improve as a painter I decided to practice my speed painting. Because I feel the more models I can finish the more I will learn. So I set my self the this speed painting challenge. To paint a miniature in 2 hours.
Now I’ve never been a quick painter. To be honest I don’t tend to count how long I spend on my projects. They’re all just going to end up on my shelf so, I don’t need to know how long I’ve spent on them. I know it’s usually a long time though so I liked the idea of seeing what I could come up with in 2 hours.
I thought I’d be best starting off small so I used a goblin I’ve had in my bitsbox for years. I think I may have got if of a White Dwarf cover back in the day.
They colours I used for the main parts were:
- Vallejo Model Color: Blue Green
- Vallejo Model Color: Lime Greenand
- Vallejo Model Color Beige Red for the Nose and knuckles.
Master Series: Dusky Skin for the tattered grey robe.
My Speed Painting Conclusion
All in all I’m quite happy with the results for just 2 hours spent painting. It’s a useful exercise that I need to force myself to do more often to help me improve my speed painting.
The next time I do it I would like to do more with highlights pushing them further than I did this time. The model is looking far too flat. I’m sure I should be able to paint a goblin with hightlights in 2 hours.
To try and hit that goal, I will use more layering than glazing. Most of the model I paint I do with glazed. Because I find that gets me the smoothest results. I feel if I use layering and some glazing at the end I can get a good finish in 2 hours.